EBAA Traceability

The water works industry is becoming more demanding of its pipeline components, especially pipeline joint restraints. EBAA Iron, Inc. works very hard to ensure that its products meet and exceed quality standards. Traceability of finished ductile iron joint restraints allows the end users of EBAA Iron joint restraints to have the ability to reference each restraint they purchase back to a stringent series of tests that were performed at the manufacturing plant. These tests help to ensure that when EBAA Iron joint restraints leave the shipping dock; they will exceed the expectations of the application they are intended for. Traceability of the product back to strict testing standards gives the customer piece of mind when using joint restraint in rigorous water works applications.
Request Traceability Records

The Traceability tracking code can be found on each main casting of EBAA's products, the code consists of 5 digits, 1 Letter (E, A, or C) and followed by another digit. The first two digits represent the year the product was made, the three digits that follow represent the day of the year, the letter represents which EBAA foundry poured the casting and the last digit represents which work shift the casting was poured on. i.e. If the casting was poured within this current hour at the home plant in Eastland, TX the code would be: 14133E1. Due to space constraints on some castings the code may be found partially divided but contiguous; however the code still should be identifiable if read in the left to right fashion.
To request the traceability records for the EBAA Iron product you have, please fill out the form below. This information will be submitted to Greg Pippen who will work with you to get the information you require.